Waga-cho (Waga town), spreading from Ohu mountain range to vast rice-producing field, is a part of Kitakami City, Iwate Prefecture. This quiet town is known by its traditional Japanese performance art Onikenbai (Sword Dance by Buddha incarnate Demon/Ogre), especially by the long-adored title of “Iwasaki Onikenbai.” Iwasaki district of the city is the motherland of this unique wild art dance which Buddhism-spirited, well-practiced performers dedicate to the gods to ward off evil spirits. Its unique step called “Henbai” is to purify ground by stomping those devils. (Buddha (Siddhartha Gautama), a Hindu prince who renounced his position and wealth to seek enlightenment, founded Buddhism in India in the 6th-5th centuries BC.)

Hidehira Way

Waga-cho is located on the Hidehira Way, route of commerce to especially convey valuable goods, such as gold, from the Japan-sea side area to Hiraizumi (Fujiwara clan’s capital from late 11th to late 12th century). The route goes deep into the Ohu mountains along Waga River to reach the Yokote basin, another major rice production area.

和賀町は奥羽山脈から広大な水田地帯に広がる岩手県北上市西部の町で、この静かな町は日本の伝統芸能の鬼剣舞(仏の化身たる鬼の剣舞)—特に長く親しみかつ敬われてきた〝岩崎鬼剣舞″—で知られています。町の岩崎地区はこの独特の荒々しい舞の発祥地であり、これは仏の精神に基づく修道の士が、悪霊を鎮め神々を讃えるために奉ずるものであります。その独特な足の踏み鳴らしは反閇と呼ばれ、悪霊を踏みつぶし大地を清めるためのものです。(ヒンドーの王子であったSiddhartha Gautama(仏陀)はその富と地位を放棄して悟りを求め、紀元前6-5世紀にインドにおいて仏教を創始しました。)




Waga-cho: Historical background

Late 12th century, after crushing its arch-enemy Heike clan in the final battle at Dan-no-Ura, southernmost point of main island of Japan, MINAMOTO-No Yoritomo embarked on establishing Shogunate governance to control this country from Kamakura. (It invited dual system of power: Emperor in Kyoto and Shogun (generalissimo) in Kamakura.)  

In his sights, however, there was a vast fiefdom of Fujiwara clan controlling that northern territory for 100 years—a great pressure on Yoritomo. He needed an excuse to head north—a half-blood younger brother Yoshitsune it was. A leader and hero of Minamoto army, Yoshitsune fought against Heike families at various places including Dan-no-Ura, but unfortunately drew outrage of his elder brother by receiving high-ranking title from Emperor without Yoritomo’s consent.

Accused Yoshitsune fled to Hiraizumi, the stronghold of Fujiwara clan, and Yoshitomo demanded to send him back to Kamakura. Fujiwara-no Yasuhira, 4th-generation head of Fujiwara clan, decided to accept it, and eventually Yoshitsune put an end to his life when attacked by Yasuhira’s arms. Yoritomo, however, didn’t stop there. He then assaulted Hiraizumi and destroyed Fujiwara clan.

 A new chapter of history thus opened, and Yoritomo’s liegemen put the new territory under their control. Thus, “Mutsu-No-Kuni: Waga” area was governed by a ruler having family line of Kamakura Shogunate liegeman, who headquartered in today’s Kitakami city and then changed his family name to “Waga”.

